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Fan and Concert Review

This is the Fan Review Page! This is where we hear what the fans think. You go to a concert, or hear an album you just love so much. You gotta tell someone else what you thought about it! Guess what? That's what this page is all about!! So if you wanna do a review. This is what you do if you go to a concert take pictures, videos, and send me what you thought. You too can be a fan review. Email me at and I'll add you!



 August 8th 2018


    This Fan Review was made as a tribute to this band, the legend SLAYER! I been hearing such a buzz all over the Social Media about their last tour. I had to honor them for years of hard work creating Heavy Metal. Most you dudes at some point has head banged to! Yes if you know me well, you know I'm not the biggest fan! But! I have much respect! Slayer fans are die hard, and deserve to say their peace! The one question I asked everyone in some way was.....

How did it feel to experience seeing Slayer being that it's the last concert tour? Well here's a couple of guy who went to the concert in Syracuse at the Amphitheater at Lakeview on August 4th. Other bands that played was Lamb of God, Anthrax, Testament and Napalm Death.                                          

                                                                                                                             Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon         

Slayer Logo.png

Written By: Jennifer Cook

August 8th 2018

     The first Fan review is Mark Flagg, but I know him as Mega. First time I ever met him, we were at a local show. I thought he was a crazy dude. He was right in front full of energy head banging, and playing air drums. I soon realized he was that into the music! Throughout time I've seen him at many shows, and taking pictures with everyone he knows. I must say he is one of the biggest supporter of local bands, and the biggest fan of all he listens to. Why I thought of him for the first Fan Review!

     He started out saying it was the best Slayer concert ever, and right in the front row.  He said it's quite a job to take pictures and videos while he is still finding time to mosh! Which pretty cool!  I asked him the question I asked everyone, How did it feel to experience seeing Slayer being that it's the last concert tour? His reaction was it was pretty special because it's his birthday month, and got a picture from Jeff Hanniman. Slayer is his all time favorite band so all around special day for him I'm sure! He also has a pretty cool tattoo to show his love for the band.

Always Thank you for sharing Dear Mega!!!!!

Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon


 August 8th 2018


    The second dude I talked to went to the same concert as Mega. His name is Derrick Durbin, and he was more than happy to review slayer and the concert. It's always fun to watch him at a concert when he does his live video on Facebook.

His answer to my question of How did it feel to experience seeing Slayer being that it's the last concert tour?

Which I must add I loved his answer.....I've seen the farewell tour twice. Both times was unreal! Slayer had the most amazing stage show and stage presence. I've seen slayer many times and this was my favorite tour. Knowing that I will never see them live again is purely saddening to say the least. I just screamed my head off too the lyrics and threw my horns up as high as I could! Watching the guys say goodbye at the end of the night was hard both times.

Thank you for sharing Derrick!!                                                                     Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon

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Five Finger

Death Punch

September 5th 2018

     My second fan review is for Five Finger Death Punch, they started back in 2005 and is straight out of Las Vegas right now. The concert for this band was at Syracuse's Lakeview again.  Who's the fan this time? You could say it was me, because I was there but you can't call me the fan! Don't get me wrong guys! I do like them, and I'll admit I was surprised. They put on a hell of a good show!  Ivan keeps the crowd a going, and his added entertainment was amazing. I loved how he bringing kids up out of the audience, and have them sing the lyrics to " Remember Everything". The kid that looked to be a teenager did a dam good job. Even though Ivan thought he looked a bit stoned.  Also Ivan asked us to thank our solders for their service which I thought was nice! Later on, Ivan asked the crowd who is an addict and how long sober. He handed the one person who is going through recovery in the least amount of time, a metal bat he broke on stage during the song. He did it as support to him as that he maybe broke but he will survive. It does not happen very often, but I admired Ivan for taking notice to the ones who were/are there for the ones with addiction. He thank anyone for being there for their loved ones going through an addiction. We do not get thanked enough for also battling the demon, because it's not easy to watch them suffer the addiction and take it out on you. Thank you Ivan personally for that recognition even though I let go!!  This is the end of my personal feelings on the concert. But I was very happy to go, and proud of myself for my first time driving the rat race of the Lakeview. 

     Now to the real fan of Five Finger! I had to make this concert special for the simple fact it was my son Noah Crouse's first real concert. I must say whatever I can do to get him to like Metal again I will. Turn his memory away from the car rides of disrespectful loud music he didn't like.  I can say the whole driving through the State Fair traffic, and being held up by not 1 but 2 car accidents. Being an hour and a half late missing Bad Wolves. I love them and saw them before, but I didn't go for me. I went for Noah!  First I made sure he got his Merch (a Five Finger t-shirt), and I talked his girlfriend Cassie into the same t-shirt. It was her first concert too and deserved the memory.  I wanted them to see the full effect of going to a Metal concert. Boy did they!  Five Finger started out with playing the Barney song "I love you, you love me". Which I found weird, but even weirder sad because that was his Favorite show as a little kid. Made me watch the same show over and over like most little buddies!!  Now he's all grown up at 15 years old (well he thinks so) Then some time during the show a mosh pit broke out on the lawn! Cool as hell and perfect for Noah and Cassie to experience and watch! Devil Horns baby!!!! \m/  Then I spotted his other favorite as a kid! Yes I'm not kidding Spiderman was on the lawn. Someone dressed as Spiderman and another as a unicorn.  So I must say this was a very crazy night at the Lakeview!! But well worth the trip!

But...... in Noah's own words, I asked him how was his first concert, what was the best part, his favorite song, and would you do it again?  He said, "I thought that it was a great concert and that they did a good job. I think the best part was being able to go to it with my mom, and my girl friend. My favorite song from them is Jackal and Hyde. Yes, I would do it all again, it was great concert. Five finger death punch is awesome, and very interactive with the audience, and makes it fun to go to."  Yes you can take the boy out of the out of the country! At least for a little while, you can't take the Metal out of the boy. I am happy I put more than a smile on his face once more, and much more he had fun/ let loose!

Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon

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Cassie and Noah
Best Devil Horns he would give me!!
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 November 6th, 2018


     I must say craziest night at The Westcott in a long time!!  On November 2nd, 2018, I made my way to Syracuse, NY once more. My home away home till snow keeps me from traveling. I had to come and support one of my Local Spotlight bands, So This is How it Ends. They were the first act of the night at 6:15. It was amazing to get to see in person someone I reviewed for the first time. I must say guys, you are just as good live! I got in a little late but got to see them play a few songs! We had to stand in a pretty long line down the street Eric and I! I was very pleasantly surprised!!  There is so many bands to mention, and worth every penny I paid to get in! No freebies for me! I support the bands buying tickets and merch! Not putting down anyone who does! Just what I do!  Other local band on the list were Plastic Warriors and Malignant. Both great band, and first time hearing them! Love you both and I was up there jamming to you both!! By now this place was packed! Never saw The Westcott this full and Melting faces as much as that night! Kudos to all you Bands bringing on the crowds! I was ecstatic to see the support, and the break out to see bands live!! Thank you to all the fans who showed! You were fun to watch you guys enjoy the show!! Chelsea Grin, got my attention with their rumbling sound and great performance! I must say a lot of shows I go to, I have not heard some of the bands before. I do this because I like to see how they sound live first. I must say I was impressed by all live! They all do put out a good show, and you must see The Whitechapel “This Is Exile” 10th Anniversary Show when they come to your town!!  Oceano, was great to see, and growling lead singer showed edge to his deep vocals. Slaughter To Prevail, came out to a great performance as the lead singer wearing his devil's mask. Then followed it with holy hell vocals! Then at the end comes out Whitechapel!  They really my head banging to their every beat. All worth the night out, and the packed house! I wish I could say more for each band, and how well they did the job!! So many great acts in one night! I'm so glad I made it out to the Westcott! Got to meet great people! Hey, shot out deserved to Radio DJ Ginger Al for! He also braved the crowd! I am so stoked I finally met you and got to hang for a few talking Metal we love!!          


Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon


Whitechapel Westcott show

Whitechapel Westcott show

Whitechapel Westcott show
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Flaw and Less Than Hate

April 26th 2019

First Fan review with the concert and show season on it's way! I bring you Aaron Duerr, who saw Flaw with Less than Hate and also Showing Signs, Black Water Rising, and The Mendenhall Experiment. On April 9th 2019 at the Maggie on the River in Watertown,NY. Aaron was able to win tickets to the show through Less than Hate. He said, "Less Than Hate held a contest thru their Facebook page asking their fans if they would like to win tickets and a Less Than Hate shirt to share the post and like it. I went and did a little extra and commented that I'd love to win tickets because Flaw was on my bucket list of bands to see and that every time they had came around in the past, something came up that kept me from going. I also said that I saw them a few weeks prior to the show for the first time and absolutely love their sound and energy." Congrats,Bud! 

I started asking him about the Flaw part of the show. The first question was, What was the overall thoughts of the show? His answer, "The venue is small but awesome being on the 3rd floor of the building. There are couches all throughout the venue so you can sit comfortably if you don't want to stand. The sound and lights were amazing. All the bands did an amazing job and stuck around to see the rest including the members of Flaw bouncing back and forth from their merch booth and crowd." I myself reading what he wrote I thoughts of Flaw was they were pretty cool to wanna be apart of the crowd. Kudos guys! Not all bands come and support the other bands while right beside the fans. I am always impressed when I see bands support others! We are a big family! My next question for Aaron, which he beat me on answering! Great minds bud!! He told me about, "Flaws set was cut and limited due to their bass guitarist quitting the band just days before the tour started so one of their guitarist Tommy stepped down from guitar to play bass. He was limited to only certain songs due to him being originally on 7 string guitar but he still did an amazing job." I should add! Great job Tommy, I must say! I'm proud that your multi-talented being able to play 7 string and change to bass! Not everyone can do that! My third question, I asked Aaron, What was your favorite song that they played that night? He was undecided between two of their songs,"I'd have to say Payback and Only The Strong." Lastly I asked if there was anything he'd like to add to sum up the Flaw part of the show. He added, "They all did an amazing job given the circumstance they were in and Christopher Volz (the vocalist) made it a point to let us all in the crowd know that the bassist that quit is a little punk ass bitch for doing what he did and that they will be back with a full line up to play a longer and better show for us once their new album comes out." I can't wait cause I'll make sure I make that show myself too! Flaw sounds pretty dam good. As I type I listen to the band that I'm writing about! I got agree with Aaron Only the Strong isn't bad at all!       \m/


Next up for Aaron's review for that night was Less than Hate. I once again asked, What was his overall thoughts of the band? He said, "Great energy and performance to get the crowd up and moving for Flaw. They gave it their all like it was a show they were headlining instead of Flaw headlining. They wanted to catch the ears and eyes of Flaw and they did exactly that as the members of Flaw came up front and center multiple times during their set. The members Of Flaw didn't get that into and of the other locals so it showed that Less Than Hate brought their A-Game for them." My next question was, What was your favorite song they played? He replied, "I'd have to say Time and Hate which I believe they said it is one of their newest songs." He also said that it was his second time seeing them live, and first with Flaw. May I add my own, I haven't had a chance to see Less than Hate myself. Which I did come close, but didn't make it to the show in time. For me how local can I get for a band! They are right in my area. Jeff Spear the guitarist been a friend of mine since we graduated school together. Guys I promise I'll make it to hear you live!!   \m/

less than hate2.jpg
less than hate.jpg

Ok, Thank you Aaron so much! I took it easy on you for your first interview and review of your Flaw/Less than Hate show! I'm glad I asked you to do these! I really look forward to more, and keep you on as a reviewer! First time I ever heard about this guy Aaron Duerr, I must say I was jealous. lol I was told he's the biggest fan of Korn. OMG, who could ever love Korn more than me! Well my friend, you have proven me you are the #1 fan of Korn and have a great love of music/Metal as much as me! You got me back full force to concerts, and a time of my life I never, never did for! (sorry I had to fit a Korn song in there!) Many more to come for concerts and shows. I hope to do more reviews you, and a few for sure on it's way.


Wanna know about the events and the bands that were reviewed!

Links to the event:


Less than Hate:                                             



                                                                                                                                                 Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon

                                                                                                                                                       Reviewed by Aaron Duerr


All pictures in this article done by Aaron Duerr himself!


All That Remains

April 30th 2019

The last review for April is All that Remains with once again Aaron Duerr. This Fan review is actually out of order of the last review. I wanted his last concert first because it was fresh in his mind. It was his first review and interview with me, and I think he did a bang up job!


All That Remain played at The Westcott Theater in Syracuse, NY on March 6th 2019. One of our favorite places to see shows! Great memories and we're making more! I asked him his overall thoughts of the show? And he said, "It was an amazing and unexpected show seeings I wasn't planning on going until me buddy Sean Stutler (Hi Sean, haha)asked me to go. All the bands were amazing and full of energy and of course the sound and lights were amazing cause well it's The Westcott lol"  I secondly asked What was his favorite song? Aaron replied with, "Tough one... It's between Hold On, What If I Was Nothing, Everything's Wrong, and Two Weeks lol" I said so a lot of song they did. lol "Yup, I mean they were all great but those were my favorites. I also became a big fan of Attila at that show, it was my first time hearing of them, hearing their music and of course first time seeing them. Also was my very first time participating in a Wall of Death."  Thank you again Aaron! I'll make this one short and sweet. We'll be seeing even more from Aaron reviewing.                                                                     

                                                                                                                                              Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon

                                                                                                                                                       Reviewed by Aaron Duerr

About All That Remain

Founded in 1998




Band Members

Philip Labonte – vocals
Mike Martin – guitar
Oli Herbert – guitar
Aaron Patrick – bass
Jason Costa – drums


Springfield, MA

Record Label

Razor & Tie


  From their Facebook page:                         


July 24th 2019

    For July's Lady's month I picked a great show to attend! Three out of four bands were female leads. On June 28th, I went to one of my favorite venues The Westcott Theater! I was accompanied by Doug Hoch, one of my best guy friends, and best tattooist around! Thank you for coming and making it a kick ass time! I do love talking music with you!!  I decided in this Fan Review start with the last band and work my way to the first! Do this article all different for a fan review! 


New Year's Day


     The last band on stage and the headliner was "New Year's Day".  The first thing that came to mind, if you love In This Moment you would so like this band. She brought who own performance, but had a goth feel of In This Moment. My favorite song off their latest album "Unbelievable", and played that night was "Skeletons".  I liked Ash's attitude to get the people closer to the stage, and spoke to the crowd. All in all they all did a pretty good performance!

Band Members

Ash Costello - Vocals
Nikki Misery - Guitar
Frankie Sil - Bass
Austin Ingerman - Guitar


Facebook page-



     The second to last female lead band was Ritals. They put on a great performance with Kalie giving a power vocals. She has a strong voice with presence to back it!I Also found it cute to have a couple propose on stage, and of course she said yes. First time I've seen or heard them, and they weren't bad at all! I listened to their music again today, and like them even better. Found out also they do a cover of "Heathens", and I actually like their version better! Their album "Damned Soul" is pretty decent!

Band Members

Kalie Wolfe - Vocals
Sebastian Clarke - Bass
Micket Woodle - Guitar
Josh Alves - Drums

Facebook Page Link:


Savage After Midnight

     Second band out on stage and only male fronted band is Savage After Midnight!  I was impressed as soon as the hit the stage.  Their music is catchy, and the whole band is well put together. They all blend well with each other, and Shi the singer and JT the keyboardist does well together. Their right on cue when they sing together live!! There for a while their song "Heartless Machine" got stuck in my head off their album "11:59". It has a Linkin Park feel that I haven't listened to in a while. It was nice to hear something different than I normally listen to lately. lol

Band Members

Shi Eubank @shi_s.a.m
Jeremiah Lipscomb @jeremiah_s.a.m
Landon Fox @landon_s.a.m
James "JT" Thomas @jt_s.a.m
Derek Bjørnson @derek_s.a.m

Facebook page link:



    The first band up was Dramascream, and proud to say a NY state local band also female fronted.  Lauren rocked the stage!  Their latest album, "In Your Mind" classic metal feel that also rocks hard metal!!  Music with attitude and a little bit of sweetness, I love it! Thanks to this band I decided to do a Fan review a little differently!! I interviewed Dramascream for the other side and the band point of view. Thank you guys for the interview and your perspective!

Band Members

Lauren Elizabeth
Steve Huff
Greg Grieve
Justin Arnold

Facebook Page Link:

Interview with DramaScream

1. Tell us a little about your band Dramascream? 
 DramaScream is a hard rock, sometimes metal band from Endicott, New York.  Some songs may be headbangers, while others make you want to dance around like a total fool. We don’t go into a song with expectations to be metal/ rock/ alternative. We just write and see what it turns into. We came together because we love performing, writing and traveling. I think that our live shows perfectly emulate our off stage personalities. We leave everything we have on the stage whether there’s an audience of one or one thousand. 
2. What was it like playing at the Westcott that night? 

Playing the Westcott was awesome. The venue is very cool, and the staff were so accommodating. Being an opening band you always feel like your set the tone for the rest of the night. The crowd was so responsive and the energy was awesome. There’s nothing more rewarding than a crowd who is into your music even though they’ve never heard of you. The fans were great, everyone was super supportive of us. We will definitely be back! 
3. What was your favourite song to play? 
As a band our favorite song to play is “Who Wait’s! The song just gets our blood pumping. 
4. Can you tell us what new is going on with the band? 
We put our second album out “In Your Mind” about 2 months ago. We have a 3rd music video in the works and we are also playing all summer long!  
5. What's it like being a woman in the music world?


  I think it’s much easier now than it probably was for earlier woman. So many fans have come up and said things like “We need more women in rock” and “Thank you for representing us”.  I have spent countless shows being the only female singer in the line-up, most people assume that I will sound a certain way.  I think I enjoy being underestimated by now. I can’t tell you how many times a guy has come up to me and said “I can’t believe that voice came out of you” or “That’s not what I was expecting”. I think as a front person in general there’s so much pressure on you regardless, you are the voice of the band and if you let other people’s judgement or preconceived notions get in your head it can crush you.  
6. Where can we find you next live? 
We are going to be at “The Sparta Inn” in Baltimore MD, on August 3rd! Our facebook keeps you up to date on our gigs too! 
7. Do you ever after you play watch the next bands up? Are you all pretty supportive of each other? 
We always stay for the next band unless there’s something pressing. It’s so important to support other bands. Most of our shows are acquired from connections with other bands. You need to build that alliance, being a musician in rock/metal is tough enough we are all out there trying to accomplish the same goal, no need to be a meanie. 
8. On the band side how does it feel when you get around your fans? 
Our fans are the reason we are still here making music and playing on the stage. It’s the best feeling ever! Fans can take a show that you may not be feeling so great about and turn it around. The love and support from them is one of the greatest feelings ever. As I said before we feed off their energy so we really couldn’t do it without them. 
9. Is there anything you'd like to add that I did not myself? 
I think you nailed it! Thank you so much for asking us to do this interview. 


September 17th 2019

     I was very thankful to be invited to Devinity Reign's EP release party. Thank you so much for the full Press Pass!  It met a lot!! Also check them out in the magazine's July's Local Band Spotlight. Just an added note! lol


    On August 10th 2019 at the Lost Horizon was a great night to check out local bands! Mainly to hear Devinity Reign's new album live!!  My favorite song is still "Burning Gasoline" and is even better live! "Gone" was amazing in person also! Actually all the new song were great and sounded the same live as they do on the album! Which means a lot for me!! They put on an all around great performance also doing their own version of "Zombie" and Tool's "Sober".  Cait Devin was awesome to meet finally and was very nice. It was like just a couple of girls at a show. lol Not to mention hell of a good guitar player, and does better than almost any boys! It was very cool to watch one more for an Encore! I guess I wasn't the only one who didn't want the night to end! The whole band did very well and did a wonderful job that night!

                                                                                                                                              Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon


Facebook Page:

Event Page:


Symmetrical Defiance


     Another band that same night was Symmetrical Defiance.  This was the first night I was able to see them live! I have listened to their music before, and was working on future events with them. In fact there is a Local Band Spotlight article in the works now! I had the pleasure to meet the lead singer Joshua Franchi himself. Thank you for everything!!  I will get into their music itself in the next article, but as far as their performance was incredible!!  Josh made you feel you were apart of the show. That he was there only for you for each person there. You pulled me in for sure and I gave full attention! I must add pretty brutal mask dude!  The whole band worked well and rocked together!  I would love to see you guys again, and want you to play in my next show for sure!!

                                                                                                         Written by Jennifer Cook/Phoenix Ravenmoon


The other three bands that played that night was With Malice in Heart,Scathed and Zombie Kitten. With Matice in Heart started out the night with a brutal scream and performance. I was most impressed with their energy, and perfect example of a good opener! Someone who grabs the audience to want more. Another good band was Scathed had a more Grunge feel to them that brought me back to the 90s. While Zombie Kitten was a different band that reminded be of the B-52s. Why I heard people liking them for being different than the rest. I put these three bands together because each of them had a very different sound in their own way. During the night you do not know what genre you'd hear next! It was nice to hear a mixing bowl of bands that night.


Zombie Kitten


With Matice in Heart


Concert review

The Brutal State of Union Show

main flyer.jpg
photos by Music Guru

April 5th 2020

     It's been long awaited article for my first Music Guru show. But also felt a good time because of the memory of my last show I was able to be there for. At this time thanks to the virus there is no shows to be seen.  I hope this all comes to an end, and much needed shows and concerts begin again! Please still take the time to support your local bands in anyway you can!


     On October 5th 2019, exactly 6 months ago local bands from around New York state got together at The Lost Horizon. A surreal feeling to be in The Lost Horizon before it all begins!  So excited and honored to get started! Finally my first ever, and I made it where I always wanted to be!  Just a beginning of a great journey into promoting shows.  I must say from beginning getting together to the very end was a great learning experience. All that it takes to put this show on and I thank the bouncer up front of the venue for many more lessons.  I also would like to thank Ginger Al for being my partner from the start, and airing his music show with Cranium Radio during the show.  Special thanks go to the bands who played Showing Signs, Sickbay, Descendency, Full Scale Riot and Less Than Hate.  Jeff and Shane from Less Than Hate for all your help getting the most tickets out and bringing a photographer and videos.  Nick Lagora for your videos and Dark Knight Photography awesome pictures my man!! I hope I didn't forget anyone! For me personally this was not the end for me on promoting shows! I promise you more are in the works after everything picks back up! So be on the look out and I'll keep you posted! After breaking out how could I ever stop there but anyways let's get on with the show! \m/


Music Guru Facebook Page:

Event itself:

The Lost Horizon:

Facebook Page:

DJ Ginger Al Facebook Page:

Dark Knight Photography Facebook page:

All photo in this article is done by Dark Knight Photography with Chris Calkins! I'm still looking forward to working with you more bud!

photo by Music Guru

Showing Signs 

     First band up was Showing Signs, also the first time I had the honor of seeing them live. With the help of Less than Hate who played with them in the past, thanks guys very much for bringing them to my attention! Great personality with these guys and glad to have met them!  They rocked the place and got the show on the way! 



     Up next was Sickbay! OMG guys! Thank you so much for coming, and happy to of finally met you! During my first few months of the magazine I got to do an article on this band!  I got to see most of the performance but sorry to say had to get back to the door. But I loved your set and how you guys played. I must say thank you Jim for helping also getting the show going! You helped motivate me getting go on this show! Love the CD also thank you for everything!!


     Then there was Descendancy, thanks for coming as far as you did!  Your band did an amazing job! I loved meeting and joking around with you! Ef Six also helped out with Ginger Al's show.


Full Scale Riot

     The first heading band was Full Scale Riot, you guys were the brutal of the show!  As soon as they stepped on the stage there was a purpose I will never forget! The violist had a message at the beginning of each song to listen and understand. A force and protest of how the world is that made complete sense! Listen to his words!  They had the attention of the people around them and played impressive together!  I loved talking with Tim the guitarist before and after they went on! Would love to see you guys again! Great show!!


Less Than Hate

    The Last headlining band was Less Than Hate! Thank you for everything and working with me! I am still very happy it worked out for you to be with this show! You are what made this show a local one! I grew up with half this band and graduated with the guitarist!  I wanted this show to be a support of the local bands and this is what it was! I am proud of what you have become and never let anyone tell you different!  Keep up the music and can't wait to hear more! I will be honest this was the first time I had a chance to see you guys live! Well worth the wait front and center!! Great performance, awesome band members each and every one of you! Thank you Shane for all your help and being such a great guy through this all! Jeff, great to see you again and you did a great job and great help too!

photo by Music Guru
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