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Eric Reames's Rambling Ons






















August 8th 2018


     Today my rant will be about seeing Slayer in Syracuse, the more interesting aspects that happened while I was at the show, and not so much about the bands. As anyone knows who goes to these things the booze is overpriced domestic shit. As far as food I would recommend hitting up the Dinosaur BBQ tent. It’s in kind of a hidden spot, but well worth it over the other soy crap they sell at a high cost, and hey I didn’t get the shits, so a plus on that one. If you’re old like me, then get a seat, Cause there not bad for what they are.


      A perfect storm of ambiance was in the crowd, and it didn’t matter what the surrounding of the place was. The view of one of the most polluted lakes in the United States just made it better, and more metal. As with any old-school metal act the element of danger could be felt, as it always has been. As expected the bands performance was spot on, but the nagging thought that the vocals could have been louder was an issue. None of that mattered in the end really, and each band on the bill played like the young men they were when they stated out.


     I had reasonable seats to view this spectacle, and sat next to this very drunk obnoxious woman who must have been in tow with her female friend. Obviously she was beyond white girl drunk. She was obviously on the verge of puking, but she held on like a shaking tower of sweaty hell. Of course me being the weirdo of any group decided to opt out of the typical black t-shirt, and went in my Bob’s Big Boy Burger shirt. This drunk woman took a notice, and complemented my fine apparel, and proceed to grab ungracefully onto my dick like a pro of old while Anthrax was playing there hit song Madhouse. An interesting experience that I can say that has never happened to me at all the shows I have been to over the years. Obviously I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the shirt meant what the shirt said, and not an anagram for big cocks, but hey at my age I will take all the attention I can get. Obviously her friend noticed her behaviors and proceeded to remove her from the area after a while of. The girl found some other dude to cling onto, and the night went on

     As the night progressed to the final act you could tell the fans in their rabid drunkenness was finally ready to see Slayer one last time. The heat of the night made it a perfect time for slayers last Central N.Y. performance. The curtain rolled down, and slayer didn’t hold back, and each song more sonic then the last. The crowd at this point didn’t bother with sitting anymore, and gave it their all to hail the most brutal of the big the last song ended Tom Araya stood on stage and scanned the crowd silently for good long while, and the rest of the band came up for one last good bye. Even if you aren’t a fan, then you missed one hell of a show. Not many bands can make an experience more memorable then Slayer can. It was fun, but depressing to know that this won’t be seen again by any of us in this area again. If any of you can see any of the bands that performed with them (Napalm Death, Testament, Anthrax, And Lamb of God), then I would suggest seeing them, or any band you can. To you all FUCKIN SLAYER!!!!

                                                                                                                                                           Written by Eric Reames

Eric's Ramble Concert Video

Eric's Ramble Concert Video

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September 11th 2018

The recorded album used to be the highest achievement for any musician trying to make it big in the music industry.  Young musicians coming up would dream of the day that they could finally be able to get into a recording studio with their equipment, and a collection of good songs. Close to the entirety of the 21st century, music fans eagerly could wait months, or even years for their favorite artists to finish creating and refining a collection of songs.  As the century turned, the internet became a major part of the lifestyle of people worldwide. Now are gone the days of having to wait for your favorite songs to come to the radio. The people of the world have become accustomed to getting what they want exactly when they want it.  Music listeners no longer need the patience to wait for a collection of new material from their favorite artist when they can just as easily bring up their current favorite song on their portable music devices or cellphones for free.  This age of convenience has changed the music industry forever, and the great rock albums of old are no more.  The rise of the internet killed the rock album and changed the way that recording artists can bring their tunes to the masses. For anyone who reads this consider giving your local bands a try, and buy their albums. A lot great music goes unknown, and never be afraid to broaden your horizons!                  

                                                                                                                               Written by Eric Reames


October 30th 2018


     That magical time of year when being weird is acceptable, and Halloween is around the corner. How can anyone not like this time of year? We can dress as slutty cats, or decorate our yards in the most horrific fashion.  Being in the fall spirit, I figured I would review some metal videos of animals doing metal songs. I found it amazing how many of these videos exist on YouTube, so I decided to narrow it down to my favorite 4.

     My first video is Death metal rooster, which has been a YouTube staple for some time. With over 13 million views I just figured a good choice to include on my review. The video is a 33 second clip of this black and white cock belting out one insane scream to some metal music. The music track syncs well and has a powerful driven beat that pairs well with the black cock’s powerful scream.

Death Metal Rooster

Death Metal Rooster

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      My next video is Parrot sings let the Bodies Hit the Floor by Drowning Pool. The video has 10 million views, and is a 40 second clip of a parrot singing a part of the Drawing Pool’s song Let the Bodies Hit the Floor. My gripe is that the bird isn’t perfect to the original, but it’s a fucking bird, and what do you expect! I do find it amazing that the little guy remembered a good chunk of the lyrics, and did the extended floor lyric of the song which is why it made it to my list of 4.

[ORIGINAL] Parrot Sings Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

[ORIGINAL] Parrot Sings Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

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      My third video is on Death Metal cats with 4.6 million views, and with a time frame of 43 seconds. What makes it stand out is that the one cat is obviously pissed off, and fits the ambiance of music. The singing matches well with the cat’s mouth movements, and the music fits well with tone of the footage. If you like cats, then I would recommend given it a view.

Heavy Metal Cats

Heavy Metal Cats

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      My fourth, and final video that I picked is a Du Hast cover by Rammstein. The singing in this cover is replaced with various animal noises to the music of the song. A newer addition to YouTube, and with over 1.2 million views is my personal favorite of the videos I reviewed. Whoever made this video spent a lot of time finding and splicing together the various animals needed to make it sync so well.

Du Hast - Animal Cover

Du Hast - Animal Cover

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     If you love animals and these types of videos, then this is the video for you! I do believe the next step to rock music, and metal is animals. With the view counts, and great entertainment value I can see a future in it. Remember folks stay weird, and enjoy your nasty ass pumpkin spice everything! Till next time let the Fuckery hit the floor.

                                                                                                                                  Written by Eric Reames


May 20th 2019

Spring Is In The Air

          Spring is in the air, the smell of manure is strong, and ever creature is humping like a rabbit on crack. With spring comes the new concert season among many things, and I can say that it’s looking pretty damn good this year. A lot of cool bands will be coming around to entertain our miserable snow bound asses. Though a good throng of national acts will be gracing us with their presence, I would highly recommend exploring the local scene on top of the big name acts. I would also recommend exploring new areas of music, and see what’s out there beyond just what you know. With that being said, and all the variety it can be a bit overwhelming what to go see. Places like YouTube can be a big help with what band you’re unsure about. Pollstar is also great one stop shop to see what is coming to where. Pollstar does lack a lot of the local bands, and smaller venues unfortunately, so you will have to explore the online fanzines, Facebook, and the good old word of mouth. Just remember New York to have fun, and get out there.

                                                                                                                                                Written by Eric Reames

An added Music Guru note! You can also check out tour dates here at "Who's Live?" and on our Facebook page

June 19th 2019

Recalling a Dark Time in Music History


        On September 19, 1985, the PMRC Senate hearings took place. The hearings were founded by four women with political ties in Washington D.C. The four female founders were Susan Baker, Tipper Gore, Pam Towar, and Sally Nevius. The hearings were based on the opinion that music albums should have warning labels put on them. Although the four ladies were not successful at first, they began to lobby harder to have warning labels put on albums deemed unfit for children, and airplay. The events lead to the farce, and abuse of the freedom of expression of free speech, which lead into the Senate hearings.

        The three heroes who defended the expression, and free speech of their fellow musicians from the four horsemen of the PRMC were John Denver, Frank Zappa, and Dee Snider. Each one was from a different prospective of the music industry. The least likely member of the three to defend his music and possibly side with the PMRC was John Denver. John was known for his “clean cut, all-American image” and he gave what most thought was the most powerful message at the Senate hearings. During the hearings, Denver addressed his view on music censorship when he said “I liken this to the Nazi book burnings.”

           Dee Snider’s testimony to the Senate was probably the least spirited of the three, but still made some good points. As the Senate was arguing about how it’s the record industries job to self-label /censor the content they release from their artist to protect children, Dee Snider stated he was a parent himself, and as a father it’s the parent’s responsibility to monitor what their children view/listen too. Snider stated “Most of us rockers have families, and we are responsible parents. We don’t need the PMRC doing are jobs of protecting our kids from the harmful shit in this world.”

           Frank Zappa was probably the most vocal to testify at the Senate hearings. Zappa warned the Senate that labeling music was an infringement on freedom of speech, and would cause excessive use of censorship of musicians. The debate between Zappa, and the Senate reached a boiling point when he announced that he was a parent himself. Zappa confessed that even though he might not agree with what some of his fellow musicians did, he felt it was his right as a parent to dictate what his children could listen to or not. Zappa also stated that he thought it wasn’t the right of the government to tell children what they can or cannot listen to. Even though the four heads of the PMRC have a right to dictate what goes on in their own households it wasn’t their right to tell everyone else what they can and can’t do. Zappa regarded the use of warning labels on albums as “An ill-conceived piece of nonsense which fails to deliver any real benefits to children, infringes the civil liberties of people who are not children and promises to keep the courts busy for years.”


       The four heads of the PMRC reason to attack the music industry was because they thought music should be labeled like any other product out there. The PMRC sent letters out to the record companies with suggestions, and the hopes they would comply with their rating system. The PMRC requested that “Record companies either cease the production of music with violent and sexually charged lyrics or develop a motion picture-style ratings systems for albums. Violent lyrics would be marked with a ‘V,’ satanic or anti-Christian occult content with an ‘O.’ and lyrics referencing drugs or alcohol with a D/A. The PMRC’s view was that it was the record companies’ jobs to provide a list of what was on the records and banish songs that were unfit for TV and radio due to explicit content. The PMRC’s campaign to censor/label music was a success for them. Even to this day, the parental warning label still appears on records, and music unfit for children.  Profanity is also edited when singles from these albums receive airplay on terrestrial radio.

            Although the four heads of the PMRC changed the course of music forever, music still thrives in many underground sources which don’t follow the labeling system that was enforced by the PMRC.  Many bands lost out fame and fortune cause of the effects from the labeling system imposed by the PMRC.  Some have been blacklisted to the point that their expression of art has found few listeners. The real question is if bands that are not particularly vulgar, but have labels put on their music, have lost recognition and potential radio play of their songs because of these labels. The act of labeling/censoring art has historically never proven to be the best course for the involvement of humanity.  In my opinion, it’s up to the parents to be parents and not have our government step in and raise our kids cause we are simply too lazy to get involved in their lives. Hopefully, humanity will learn from this past mistake, and correct this wrong it has made. Everyone should the ability to enjoy the creations musical artist make for us like any other form of expression. Even though we are not mortal, our expressions that we leave are, and should be available for all to enjoy without censorship

                                                                                                                                           Written by Eric Reames


L7 Lost Horizon 1997


 July 15th 2019


    Since its female power month I figured I write about the loudest show I have ever seen. It was 1997 at the lost, and the band was L7a grunge era band that was part of the riot girl movement. L7 was an all-female band that played simple tunes with a heavier tone. If I recall right it was during the winter of 1997 that I had a chance to go see them live. Along with L7, Chris Novoselic formerly of Nirvana was opening for them with his new band Sweet 75. I do remember thinking how funny it was to be feet away from the former Nirvana bassist, and only a few years back you wouldn’t have been able to go near him. I also recall how fairly packed the Lost was, and how insanely fucking hot it was to be inside that place. Thankfully this show didn’t take place in the summer or it would have been unbearable to be inside of the Lost. Worth mentioning along with being the loudest show I have seen it was also the hottest show I have been at. Fun fact that I also had to take a Shit which I never do when I go to shows. At the time the Lost’s bathroom had no stall door, no toilet seat, and no toilet paper. I had to use a concert flier on the wall to wipe, which hurt like a fucker. I do wish I can remember which band I used to wipe my ass with, so I could thank them for providing me with the means to wipe my ass. With traumatizing bathroom experience done L7 took to the stage. I can say I was honestly impressed when they came out obviously drunk, and pounding Jack like it was water. They didn’t miss a beat in any song they played that night. The crowd ambiance was perfect, and matched the bands ferocious drive as people moshed, crowd surfed, and smoked the lost in a haze of absolute perfection. After that show it took 3 days before the ringing in my ear went away, and it was the same for the people I went with. To this day I still can still say I haven’t seen that shows equal in terms of what I experienced, and I have seen a lot of bands play over the years. I still rank that show in my top 5 favorite shows I have seen.

                                                                                                                     Written by Eric Reames

L7 - Pretend We're Dead

L7 - Pretend We're Dead

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October 15th 2019

Pumpkin Spice Shit


                               I love fall, and Halloween just like most people. Decorating, horror movies, the fall leaves, and all the fun stuff that goes with it. I do have an issue with how every year because of Halloween we are being forced to enjoy the holiday way earlier then needed! Barely august, and I see Halloween stuff out in the stores. Everything is converted to pumpkin spice shit! I just feel that we are being throat fucked with this stuff. It just takes the specialness away from our seasons/holidays from us. You can barely enjoy any of the holidays anymore, and you’re instantly being force-feed another one like some pig getting fatten up for the slaughter. Another thing that bothers me is why are all the horror movies realized before October? By time October comes around there isn’t much in the theaters as far as horror movies go. I’m excited to see the second part to It, but being released early September just feels like we are getting cheated out. As long as corporate America whores its wears to us, then there isn’t much we can do. I guess all we can do is try to make the best of it. By the way pumpkin spice flavored stuff sucks! Give me apple cider anyway over pumpkin spice any day!  If any of you feel the way I do about the holidays leave a comment. Stay salty Central N.Y.

                                                                                                                              Written by Eric Reames

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